Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Nursery!

We have been very busy preparing for our little girls arrival. The room is painted and looks great! We decided to paint the room a light green color. Ron did a great job in a short amount of time. The baby furniture was picked up this week. I love the white furniture in the room. It brought a smile on my face to see it in the nursery for the first time. The cribs are in as well but still need to be put together. I will post pictures soon! My first shower is this Sunday. Ron and I are looking forward to seeing everyone. It feels like I just registered and now we are attending the first shower. Time is moving super fast lately. I can't believe May is here already. I only have two months left of pregnancy until the little girls are here! I can't wait to meet them for the first time. Although I already love them to pieces. I love feeling all of those kicks and going to the ultra sound appointments to see their growth. They will be here before we know it!