(Savanna is on top and Ella is on the bottom)

The girls are here! The girls were born on June 2nd at 2:46 am. through a c-section. Ella Grace was 3 pounds, 8 ounces, 17 inches long and Savanna Dawn was 3 pounds, 8 ounces, 16 inches long. They are both a miracle and I am so blessed to have them. I can't believe it has already been two weeks since the girls arrival. I expected the girls to come in June but I never expected the girls to come on June 2nd. After two weeks of hospital bedrest, labor pains on and off, and thunderstorms which caused power outages daily they arrived safely. They are currently still at the hospital because they need to learn how to suck, swallow, and breath at the same time along with gaining weight. The girls are strong already and are learning fast. Ron and I visit them daily and look forward to the many visits where we can hold them and talk to them. At the hospital, I got to give Savanna a bath for the first time, change both girls diapers, and feed Ella a bottle. It was so exciting to be able to do all of things with my girls! Each day their little faces are changing and they are starting to gain weight and fill out. Currently both girls are 3 pounds, 13 ounces. We are expecting the girls to come home at the beginning of July but time will tell. While we wait, we are trying to prepare the condo little by little. Ron and I are looking forward to the day when we get to bring our little girls home.